By Bruce Green
Considering the circumstances they were facing, Jesus’ words to the seven churches in Asia in Revelation 2-3 are surprisingly brief. They obviously dealt with the most vital issues facing those communities.
Sometimes though, it can also be instructive to think about what isn’t said. Is there something omitted that we thought would be there? I can think of three things many people are probably surprised not to find in Jesus’ words to the seven churches.
- Forget the church, I’m all about spirituality.
This is something deeply embedded in our culture. And to be fair about it, organized religion is an easy target. The number of atrocities that have been committed in the name of God would make a long list whether you’re talking BC or AD. And Jesus had His share of negative experiences with the religious establishment. His home church (synagogue) tried to put Him death in Luke 4. You can read about His expose’ of the religious leadership of His time in Matthew 23. Those same people plotted His death (John 11:45-53). Considering this, we might expect Jesus to point His followers away from church.
But He didn’t.
What we see instead is Jesus standing among the churches and claiming them as His. And it’s not a naïve ownership that He exercises. He sees them for all that they are: good, bad and indifferent. He sees them as responsible for each other, so he doesn’t address them as isolated individuals but as a community. I’m convinced He also sees them for what they can become and understands that they won’t be able to reach that by themselves. They’ll need the strength that can come only through community. The answer to humanity’s problems is not building walls but bridges. - There’s nothing you could ever do to disappoint Me.
There are some who are out of sorts that Jesus didn’t say something in accordance with their (mis)understanding of grace. They seem to think God doesn’t have any expectations for His children other than to forgive them for whatever they do, whenever they do it, no matter why they did it.
But instead of saying something like “I love you and just want you to know that there’s nothing you could ever do to disappoint Me,” He says things like, “I will spit you out of My mouth” (3:16), and “If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place” (2:5). Jesus takes right living seriously and expects His followers to do so as well. - I love you and would never allow you to suffer any kind of pain or hardship.
There are plenty of people who are okay with a cross for Jesus — just not for themselves. They want nothing to do with the holy hardship that comes from following Christ. They’re in it for health, wealth and prosperity. Anything more is not what they signed up for. Instead, Jesus spoke of suffering and being faithful “even to the point of death” (2:10), and of a disciple named Antipas being put to death (2:13).
So where does this leave us?
Add all of this up and what do you get? You get a Christ who creates community, a Jesus who will be Lord of all or not Lord at all, and a Savior who understands that love and suffering are at times inseparable for Him and for His. All of this reminds us that Christ calls us to be disciples, not dabblers!
Bruce has written an entry level book on Revelation called The Thrill of Hope. It is available through Amazon.
Find more of Bruce’s writings at his website: