The Observer

Classroom Observer


Beth Pinyerd

Summer has arrived


As a teacher, I love to teach about the different seasons of the year. I teach the Bible verse Ecclesiastes 3:1 — “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”
I will be honest with you. Summer has always been a challenge for me with the heat, so some of my little students were looking at me these past few weeks as I have complained about the heat with saying ,“Whew!, it is plain old hot.” They heard their teacher complaining about the weather.
As I sat down and started chatting with the preschoolers who are three and four, I asked them what is their favorite season. Truly without blinking an eye they told me that all the seasons are their favorite season. From the lessons we had been reading about this year on the seasons, they chose their favorite things about each season.
During this little “Sit and Chat” my students were teaching me to cherish each season by their responses to my question. So I have decided this summer that I am going to try to be positive about the heat.
I can remember my late mother-in-law would drive from Huntsville to her rustic cabin in Highlands, North Carolina, for Memorial Day every year because the heat was a challenge to her, too. She spent the whole summer in her cabin, raising the windows to let in the cool mountain air blow in. She did not have to have air conditioning. Living in south Alabama for many years, I can remember during the winter we would have folks called “Snowbirds” come down to the south to escape the brutal cold winters up north. It had truly crossed my mind this year to be a “South Bird” and travel up to the cool areas of Michigan where my son and his wife live. But no, central Alabama is my home, and this early childhood teacher is going to look for the joys of summer and not complain.
Let’s reflect on summer joys. Even though we have had Memorial Day this past week to honor those citizens who have died in service to our country, summer does not officially come until June 20.
I want to share some sensory enrichments of summer that families can enjoy pointing out as they cherish each day God has given us.
Smells — As I was out walking my little dog this week, I enjoyed the gentle fragrance of Honeysuckle flowers and Gardenias. I know we can all remember as children biting off the end of a Honeysuckle flower and sucking the sweet nectar. Parents are beginning to rub suntan lotion on their children so they don’t get burned. The smell of suntan lotion reminds us that summer has arrived. Smelling a summer rain or a breeze coming off oceans, lakes or ponds also smell like summer. Point out to your children the smells of freshly mowed grass or families barbecuing foods.
Tastes — Children love the taste of popsicles or freeze pops. We all love the taste of freshly squeezed lemonade. The simple smells of barbecue, fish, hotdogs and other meats has always been a favorite summer pastime. Lee County has always provided many fruits and vegetables in markets during the summer. We love watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, etc., all of which are a summertime delight.
While growing up I can remember summer activities included shelling butterbeans, peas, snapping fresh beans and shucking corn. Canning and freezing vegetables were and still are family tasks often accomplished during summer months. Jellies and jams are cooked and made during the summer. These are tasks that young hands can help with. Children love to help. We cannot forget making good old homemade ice cream full of fresh fruit. I know we have more modern equipment in making homemade ice cream now, but I still love the old fashion ice cream churn where turning the handle was a family affair as we each took turns turning, and it was well worth the wait for delicious ice cream.
Sounds — The sounds of summer include crickets, cicadas, croaking frogs, hooting of owls, etc. The sounds of families playing outside as well as evening sports are also welcome sounds in the summer.
Sight — Savor and take in the sights of summer. This is one thing that children enjoy doing. Watching hummingbirds getting nectar from a flower or feeder, at night we will begin to see the glow of fireflies, butterflies and birds are flying everywhere, etc. We have so many beautiful local parks which offers shade and enjoyment for the young and old. In Lee County we have beautiful sunsets to end good summer days.
Safety Reminders — In order to enjoy summer, the elderly and young need to keep these health tips in mind. As summer weather has already started we need to remember to stay hydrated with liquids, stay in cool spots, don’t go out in the heat of the day, be aware of temperature highs, wear light colored and loose fitting clothes, protect your eyes, rub on sunscreen and wear hats.
Readers, our community offers wonderful Vacation Bible Schools at our local churches. Your children will enjoy the Bible stories, different learning stations, fun activities, crafts, recreation and fellowship with other children.
Local libraries are a wonderful resource for books to check out, story hours and activities for families.
As I glean from the positive attitudes of the precious little preschoolers I teach, I have decided not to worry about the summer heat but to instead dive into what all that summer has to offer and provide for us. Happy Summer!

Beth Pinyerd has taught many years and holds a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education.

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