The Observer

Gov. Kay Ivey announces record number of foster-care adoptions

Special to the
Opelika Observer

Gov. Kay Ivey announced last Thursday that, yet again, Alabama reported a record number of foster care adoptions. In Fiscal Year 2019, there were 731 foster care adoptions, which is an all-time record for the state. That is up from the previous year’s record of 727 adoptions.
The governor celebrated this news with Alabama families and their adopted children.
“As Alabama sets another positive record, it is a privilege and truly special for me to spend time with adoptive parents and children who now have their forever home,” Governor Ivey said. “To our foster families, adoption professionals, the Department of Human Resources, and most importantly, to the families who have chosen to bless many children with a forever and loving home – thank you! By providing a forever home, you are forever changing the life of a child, as well as your own.”
In FY2019, 69% of children who left foster care, went home to family members or their parent(s). While most children in the state’s foster care system do return to their parents, there are still children seeking an adoptive family.
“We are excited to have set an adoption record for the second consecutive year,” Alabama Department of Human Resources Commissioner Nancy Buckner added. “I am extremely appreciative of our partners in the adoption process without whose help this would not have been possible, especially the adopting parents who have given our foster children forever families.”
Currently, there are 299 children in Alabama’s foster care system looking for their forever homes.

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