Christmas in Dixie: not quite what it used to be

Christmas in Dixie: not quite what it used to be

By Hardy Jackson Thanksgiving was hardly over when it began. Regional magazines – Southern Living and such – started arriving with detailed instructions on how to have a “traditional Southern Christmas.”  Newspapers chime in with “Feature” articles on the topic. On...
Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

While the presidential race played out this year, several things happened in Alabama politics that went under the radar. First, a federal appeals court upheld the legislature’s banning PAC to PAC transfers. The new Republican legislative majority that marched into the...

Getting our Christmas tree

By Hardy Jackson You will note that after Thanksgiving I write a lot about Christmas. You didn’t notice? Well, I do.  I love the season.  I watch  Christmas movies instead of basketball. OK, I’ll watch “Pawn Stars” before basketball. My  favorite Christmas movie is...