The Observer

Feelings you can trust

By Norma Kirkpatrick

Guest Columnist

If we wait until we feel like it, there are many things that will be left unfinished.  In that sense, we are waiting for feelings to motivate us into action.
I’m not sure that’s why we have feelings.  Perhaps God gave them to us to remind us of our unique humanity.  Those emotions stirring deep within our heart can make us long to share what we feel.
That’s what happens to me during this season.
Christmas is my favorite time of the year.  Not so much for what I see and hear, but for what I feel.
I feel the peace of the Christ child.
The world is filled with turbulence and turmoil, yet he embodies tranquility.
I feel the awe of the shepherds. Though I am lowly in station, the good news of his birth was shared with me.
I feel the joy of the angels. I too can deliver the message:  “Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people!”
I feel the innocence of the manger animals.  Unknowing; yet knowing that a wondrous thing has happened.
I feel the gentleness of Joseph. It is through the gentle acceptance of God’s plan that we fulfill his purpose.
I feel the reverence of Mary. God has identified with the flesh, and through the flesh has made himself known in Christ.
I feel the generosity of the magi. What a privilege to give when so much has been given.
I feel the hope of the world.  We cannot live without hope;  it has been found in Christ.
I pray you are “feeling well” this Christmas season.
Norma J. Kirkpatrick is a wordsmith; she has contributed to teaching materials, magazines and newspapers.  She also collaborates with authors on literary projects and writes an occasional poem.  She can be reached at

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