The Observer

Think about voting

Some citizens are approaching Nov. 6, voting day, for our presidential election, with a feeling akin to relief. The public has been bombarded with political ads at a rate never seen before and for the most part, these are negative ads.

Listening or looking at negativity in any form does not make for a happier situation and when these ads are coupled to a man who will lead us for the next four years, they are especially distressing. The content of most ads should be an embarrassment to the sender, many ads are downright untrue.

The fact that the political season is ending is perhaps the only good thing about the season – it is about to end.

The amount of money spent by both candidates is obscene and when the enormous wealth used by others, ( PACs. etc.) it seems incredible that that much money could be spent on a political campaign. Think of all the hungry people that money would feed.

Nevertheless, it is almost time to vote and the vote is one of the most cherished actions of people all over the world. We need to remind ourselves of how lucky we are to have that right. Millions of people all over the world would die to have it and we should keep in mind that many have died so we could have it.

So, you have to vote. Under ideal conditions you would get up early on Nov. 6 and head to your voting place, eager to place your vote for the person you believe should be the president of the United States. It matters not whether you are Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you are obligated to cast your vote.

Voting has been made easier in some cases, as in the states where future voting is allowed. Allowing you to vote at your convenience should increase participation. On the other hand, some states seem intent on limiting voter participation with stringent requirements of identification.

American voter participation is less than that of other industrialized nations. The 2008 election, which allowed an exceptional choice, only had a 62 percent participation. Election reformers cite that poor turnout at the polls result in poor representation which in turn results in poor laws not of the best quality and not beneficial to all citizens.

Many citizens are still undecided as to how to vote and it is a very important election. It may be hard to make up your mind, but you must vote, if for no other reason than if your man does not win and things are not to your liking in the future, you can always say (under your breath) “I didn’t vote for him.”

This may be a good time for you to remember the outlandish lack of responsibility exhibited by the people who were voted into office in order to represent you in Washington. Their lack of production is a shame and the voters should remember that.

This is also a good time to remember that every potential voter may not have a ride to the polls.

Taxi rides are expensive and cannot be fitted into the budgets of some. Ask your friends and neighbors if you can furnish a ride.

Pay little or no attention to the multitude of polls that show one possible result one night and a complete reversal on the next night, often based on a slip of the tongue by the candidate. My sainted Papa had two things he always said about contests, which included football games and elections, –  “On any given Saturday …” and,“It ain’t over til its over.”

So, vote!


Bita Bullet is the pen name of a local anonymous writer who can be reached at

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