JAMES THOMAS TYSON James Thomas Tyson was born May 13, 1943, and died March 8, 2025, at the age of 81. A graveside...
EVANGELINE “EVIE” SPRAGUE POUNCEYEvangeline “Evie” Sprague Pouncey died at East...
PRISCILLA BRANCH MCCLENDONOn Jan. 28, Priscilla Branch McClendon (affectionately...
DOROTHY “QUINCY” BUTLER CORDELLDorothy “Quincyˮ Butler Cordell, 72, of Auburn...
PERRY LEE MANN Perry Lee Mann of Opelika died on Feb. 8, 2025, while a resident at...
Other Obituaries
PERRY LEE MANNPerry Lee Mann of Opelika died on Feb. 8, 2025, while a resident at St. Martin’s in the Pines in...
THOMAS E. WOODThomas E. Wood, 63, passed away on Jan. 24, 2025, at his home in Opelika.He is survived by his wife,...
JOHN WILD John Wild of Auburn passed away Jan. 19, 2025, after an extended illness. Born in Detroit, Michigan, to...