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County Commission receives request from Food Bank for capital campaign funds

Photo special to the Observer Martha Henk, the executive director of the Food Bank of East Alabama,


LEE COUNTY — The Lee County Commission held a public hearing pertaining to the Lee County Solid Waste Management Plan during Monday night’s meeting. Following the hearing, the commission voted to table the agenda item in order to allow more citizens to offer their comments on the plan.
The commission heard a presentation from the Food Bank of East Alabama by Executive Director Martha HenkHenk and Steve Reeves, the chairman of the board of directors for the food bank. Henk requested that the commission consider a $100,000 contribution once a year for three years to be used towards the capital campaign for a new building.
“We have launched a $3.9 million capital campaign [for a new 15,000 square-foot facility] and I am really pleased to say that we have worked diligently and we have collected already $1.6 million so we are really moving ahead on that,” Henk said. “One thousand and sixty people are served per month with 35% of those individuals living outside of the Auburn and Opelika city limits.
Henk said that they hope to have a ground-breaking ceremony next month and the building should take approximately nine months to be completed.


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