The Observer

Kappelman named Alabama Code Official of the Year

Jeff Kappelman, left, who has been with the city of Opelika for 22 years, received the state Code Officials Association’s Alabama Code Official of the Year award.


OPELIKA — The city of Opelika’s chief building official, Jeff Kappelman, has been honored by the Code Officials Association as the Alabama Code Official of the Year.
Kappelman has been with the city of Opelika for 22 years, and he has been a great friend and mentor to countless code officials across the U.S. He has become one of the go-to officials in the State of Alabama and has offered many insights and best practices from his jurisdiction. This has assisted in Opelika and other communities in their efforts to enforce building codes and public safety.
“We are extremely proud of Jeff,” said Mayor Fuller. “He shows what it means to be dedicated to your field. We are lucky to have him on our team.”
Kappelman has served every position level with the local chapter of the South Alabama Code Officials, currently serving as the president. Additionally, he has held positions as a board member of the Code Officials Association of Alabama and as board member and president of Region IX, which encompasses Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Lousianna.
“Jeff absolutely earned this award,” said Erik S. Waddell, president of Code Officials Association of Alabama. “He has been a great asset to our organization, and I look forward to working many years with my friend, Jeff Kappelman.”
Kappelman received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Auburn University. Before working for the city, he built houses. He has more than 35 years of experience in the construction industry.

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