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School board approves lighting, scoreboard at Bulldog Stadium

Project also includes new lighting at baseball field

OPELIKA — The Opelika City Schools Board of Education moved forward on a project to install new lighting at the high school baseball stadium and new lighting and a replacement scoreboard at the football stadium.
The board accepted a low bid for the project of just under $175,000 from Electrical Technicians Inc. during its meeting on March 28.
Also at the meeting, the board received a favorable report from Himmelwright, Huguley & Boles LLC, which conducted the school system’s fiscal year 2023 audit and found everything in order.
In other action, the board approved personnel recommendations and accepted new state-approved textbooks for the Family & Consumer Science and Hospitality & Tourism classes.
Schools Superintendent Dr. Farrell Seymore asked the board members to arrange for a work session prior to the next regular meeting to talk about planning for future growth in the city’s schools. At the board’s February meeting, Seymore provided members with an Enrollment Projections Report for Opelika Public Schools, completed by Cooperative Strategies. The study projected that, based on growth since 2014, enrollment will continue increase in the city’s schools over the next 10 years. Seymore said that while the facilities and staff are sufficient to meet current demands, it’s imperative to plan for future needs. The work session was held April 3.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, at 4:30 p.m. at the District Office, located at 300 Simmons St. in Opelika.

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