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Pepperell Baptist to Host Zoomerang VBS



Pepperell Baptist Church, located at 2702 Second Ave. in Opelika, is excited to host another Vacation Bible School this summer. Circle on your calendars June 6 through 9, 2022, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. You can register at for “Zoomerang” where we will be exploring the jaw-dropping beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, the arid temperature of outback afternoons, the architectural marvels of Australia’s modern cities and the fascinating eucalyptus forest, home of the koalas.

At “Zoomerang,” children will marvel at God’s World of the unforgettable wildlife, cultures and beauty of Australia while exploring the wonder and value of life. Children will be welcomed each night with a snack supper, Bible teaching, music, crafts and exciting recreation. Come join us during a week of love, fun and fellowship. If you have any questions you can call Pepperell Baptist Church at 334-745-3108. 

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