Congressman Mike Rogers visited with Auburn city officials this week following the recent approval of a $3 million federal appropriation that will fund an expansion of the Auburn Center for Developing Industries (ACDI). Rogers requested the funding on behalf of East Alabama communities, and Congress approved it on March 15 as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
“I am proud to have fought for $3 million in funding for the Auburn Center for Developing Industries,” Rogers said. “It is critical that Alabama businesses have all the tools they need to thrive. I am honored to continue my fight to create more job opportunities across Alabama’s Third Congressional District.”
ACDI currently provides startups with incubator space and houses the Advanced Manufacturing Training Center, which helps develop the skills of Auburn’s existing industries. In the same facility, the city collaborates with Auburn University’s Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Manufacturing Systems (ICAMS). This funding will help expand the center’s training capabilities by adding classroom training and conference room space called the ACDI Business Center.
“This new addition will help strengthen and equip Auburn’s workforce, allowing Auburn to better compete in the global market,” said Auburn City Manager Megan McGowen Crouch. “This greatly needed expansion will give us another tool to prepare our industries for technological changes and will help us recruit value-added, technology-based industries to our community going forward.”
The new space will be a comprehensive center for business innovation and training in areas greatly needed by our pioneering startups and industry partners. The new facility will create space for collaboration and training between technology providers, industries and academia. Some of the focus areas will include multi-axis machining, industrial automation, digitalization of manufacturing processes, metrology as well as tool and die. The center will also serve as an education tool to teach students about advanced manufacturing and provide pre-graduation job training.
“I know I can speak for our Economic Development staff in thanking Congressman Rogers for championing this cause and for everything he does for Auburn and East Alabama,” said Auburn Mayor Ron Anders. “Each congressperson has limited opportunities to influence such funding, especially of this significance. We appreciate Congressman Rogers’ support of all we do in collaboration with Auburn University to support industries and modern jobs in our community.”
ACDI has long served the Auburn community as a space to help fledgling companies grow and provide support for Auburn industries. The center is a partnership between the city of Auburn and its Industrial Development Board. It provides space and programming to collaborate with Auburn University, the Alabama Technology Network, Alabama Industrial Development Training and Southern Union State Community College.