Contributed by Distinguished Young Women of Lee County
Mary Helen Miller was joined by friends, family and supporters, along with the Alabama Lee County Distinguished Young Women board members on Sunday, June 13, to celebrate her accomplishment of being selected as the Distinguished Young Woman of Alabama in January’s virtual program. This celebration also acted as a “send-off” tea prior to her participation in the national program.
The crowd of supporters, including fellow participants from the Lee County local program and the Alabama state program, gathered in Opelika where Miller was presented with a proclamation from Auburn Mayor, Ron Anders, and Opelika Mayor Gary Fuller. The proclamation declared June 13, 2021, to be “Mary Helen Miller Day.” Anders spoke about Miller’s outstanding achievements both with the program and outside of it. He also spoke to the merits of the program for the county and the state.
On June 24-26, Miller will represent Alabama in the 64th annual Distinguished Young Women National Finals where she will compete in the categories of interview, scholastics, self-expression, fitness and talent. This year, the National Finals will be virtual and can be streamed for free to all viewers through the Distinguished Young Women website.
Miller, a 2021 graduate of Lee-Scott Academy, was a local preliminary winner in the scholastic, fitness, talent and self-expression categories, and at the state level, she was awarded scholarship in the scholastic, interview and essay categories. Prior to the national program, Miller had earned $10,200 in scholarships and has the potential to be awarded more in the coming weeks as the state representative for Alabama.
Congratulations to Miller on all her accomplishments achieved in the Opelika community and through the Distinguished Young Women program.