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Character in Action Awards given by Judge Mike Fellows

Kounte Hampton Threadgill Jr., Thompson Farnell, Nandini Reddy, Natalia Bello

Contributed by the office of Judge Fellows

Character in Action is a program sponsored by the Family Court of Lee County that recognizes children from Lee County who, by their own actions, make a positive contribution that is above and beyond normal expectations to their home, school or community.

Receiving awards from Judge Mike Fellows are: Thompson Farnell, Natalia Bello, Nandini Reddy and Kounte Hampton Threadgill Jr.

Thompson Farnell (parents: Tommy and Whitney Farnell), Auburn Early Education Center, nominated by Kelly Pugh: Thompson makes a point every day to help students in need in his classroom. He looks out for his friends and makes sure they feel safe and loved. Thompson is one of a kind and loves unconditionally no matter what.

Natalia Bello (parents: Maribel Infante and Rene Bello), Cary Woods Elementary, nominated by Maegan Keel: on Dec. 17, 2020, Ms. Maegan Keel walked down the hall with Natalia Bello. Another teacher was sitting on the floor outside her classroom with a student. The student was new to Cary Woods and does not speak English. Something had obviously upset the student, but she was unable to communicate with the teacher what was troubling her.

Ms. Keel looked down at Natalia and asked her if she thought she could translate. Natalia, who is normally very quiet and reserved, nodded in agreement. Natalia translated between the student and the teacher. She was kind and patient with the other student and helpful and courteous with the teacher. Natalia spent several minutes in the hallway helping the teacher understand this student’s needs. Without Natalia’s brave and compassionate actions, the student would not have been able to receive the help she needed. Ms. Keel was so proud of her for doing something that is ordinarily hard for her. Natalia was a hero in the hallway that day!

Nandini Reddy (parents: Kamala Bommareddy and Bouyella Reddy), Auburn High school, nominated by Beth Antoine: Nandini is a co-president of the student diversity council at Auburn High School. She works every day on behalf of all students, especially those who have experienced bullying, bias, marginalization or all three. She is a friend to all and gives everyone a voice, which is why she is such a respected and appreciated leader.

Kounte Hampton Threadgill Jr. (parents: Amber and Kounte Threadgill), Auburn Junior High, nominated by Liz Kenemer: Kounte displayed quick thinking and extraordinary bravery in rescuing his four younger siblings from a house fire on Aug. 26, 2020. Such incredible character and action exemplify what the Character in Action recognition is all about. Auburn Junior High School is extremely proud of Kounte and proudly nominates him.

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