The Observer

Tucker Heights to offer affordable housing

Contributed by the city of Auburn

The first home in Auburn’s new affordable housing subdivision, Tucker Heights, will be ready for sale in March, signaling a new and exciting chapter in housing opportunities within the city.

The subdivision is located on the corner of Byrd and Tucker streets and is a part of the City’s ongoing efforts to support low- to moderate-income families in Auburn. The completion of Tucker Heights will bring the number of homes the City has built for first-time homeowners to 150. Most recently, the City built 29 homes in the Northwest Village subdivision, for which construction began in 2006.

“As a City, this is something we get really excited about — providing a family the opportunity to have their own home in Auburn,” said Alfred Davis, director of Community Services. “It’s part of the American Dream, owning your own home, and that is a dream that citizens of all income levels aspire to.”

Tucker Heights is built by the North Auburn Housing Development Corporation (NAHDC), a nonprofit with goals of increasing homeownership opportunities for all citizens. To further its mission, the NAHDC is annually allocated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, which the City receives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Through the City’s agreement with NAHDC, about $137,000 is allocated for the planning and development of new affordable housing in Auburn.

“The NAHDC has been a tremendous partner for the City of Auburn,” Davis said. “They make it possible for us to embark on affordable housing projects that can benefit our citizens. We are excited to celebrate the completion of the first house in Tucker Heights and to make progress on the development of this subdivision that will give more families a place to call ‘home’ in Auburn.”

Tucker Heights will feature seven houses that will be built as qualified buyers are identified and funds are made available through income from the sale of a home in the subdivision or through the annual allocation of CDBG funds to NAHDC.

Each home will feature three bedrooms, two baths and comparable lot sizes to other homes in the area. Construction on the first home began in September 2020, with completion expected in March 2021.

NAHDC has identified potential buyers for the first three homes in Tucker Heights. If you are interested in owning one of these homes, please contact the Community Services Department at 334-501-7280 or

Each applicant must meet the following requirements to apply:

Meet HUD’s income limits for low- to moderate-income

Complete an application

Attend housing counseling

Secure financing for the home’s sales price of approximately $130,000

Have a $500 minimum down payment

Have reasonably good credit with no outstanding federal debt.

Through CDBG funding, the City of Auburn has also been able to rehabilitate 19 homes in the City over the past three years as well as provide homeless assistance in the amount of $1.8 million that has benefited 520 families, 2,191 youth and 1,737 seniors.

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