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Shady Grove Quarry update

Photo courtesy of Opelika Chamber of Commerce

Creekwood pens letters to Judge English, Protect Beulah responds

By Will Fairless
Associate Editor

Creekwood Resources, LLC sent a letter on Jan. 22 to Judge Bill English, the chairman of the Lee County Commission. The letter was signed by Jeffrey D. Major, a managing member at Creekwood Resources. The letter addressed some issues that have been brought forth in opposition to the proposed Shady Grove Quarry.

In its introduction, the letter reads, “In light of various recent representations, made in a public setting to the Lee County Commission regarding the proposed quarry at Shady Grove, Creekwood Resources, LLC would like to correct some of the inaccurate and misleading information that has been put forth and perhaps ease some of the concerns of the community near the site.”

The following are the topics addressed in the letter and some of Creekwood’s claims regarding each.

On Jan. 28, Protect Beulah Stop the Quarry posted on Facebook in response to the Jan. 22 letter. The following are the topics addressed in the post and some of the claims made regarding each.

Creekwood Resources sent another letter to the Lee County Commission on Feb. 1 that specifically addressed traffic. According to the letter, Creekwood contacted Skippers Consulting (which has, according to the letter, performed traffic studies for the cities of Auburn and Opelika, Auburn University, and the Alabama Department of Transportation) to conduct a traffic study with the Shady Grove quarry’s effect as its subject.

The letter states that the study concluded that the average vehicle count on Highway 29 (currently 6,085) will increase to 6,250 (a 2.7% increase) after the quarry opens.

English made the following statement. “We have indeed engaged legal counsel to advise us about how best to proceed. We won’t know whether there will be a lawsuit until they present us with more information. Any updates will likely be in executive session because of the potential for litigation. The letter from CreekWood will not really have any effect.”

The Jan. 22, Feb. 1 letters from Creekwood are available in their entirety at The Protect Beulah Stop the Quarry post referenced in this article is available in its entirety at the Facebook page by the same name as the organization and at

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