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City of Opelika working to make dangerous intersection safer for travelers

Courtesy of The
City of Opelika

The City of Opelika is working to make the intersection of Sportsplex Parkway and West Point Parkway near I-85 safer for travelers. City leadership is aware that there have been a number of crashes and many near-misses at this location. 

The city has recently installed a caution light and is waiting on Alabama Power to provide power. In addition, we are in the process of installing rumble strips in both stop lanes approaching West Point Parkway. Opelika Police Department will have an increased presence near this intersection. 

“We’d like people to approach this area with caution. We know it is dangerous and we are working to remedy the situation. We are currently working with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) to receive approval to install either a traffic signal or roundabout. This process will take a few months. We’re concerned about safety today and ask people to slow down and drive safely,” said Mayor Gary Fuller.

Attached is an aerial view of the intersection. If you have questions or concerns, contact Scott Parker, City Engineer, at 334-705-5450.

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