The Observer

Lee County School Board approves Tentative Path to Reopening Schools

By Will Fairless
Associate Editor

The Lee County School Board approved the “Tentative Path to Reopening Schools” at its July 14 meeting. The plan was presented by Jason Wright, the assistant superintendent and director of career technology at Lee County Schools.

According to Wright, the decisions for opening were made in accordance with five guidelines:

The Alabama Department of Education recommended that a map from the Alabama Department of Public Health be used to determine the status of schools with regard to COVID-19. 

The map designates four categories for the potential conditions of a given area (e.g. Lee County). 

Level IV, or Red, shows a growing, widespread outbreak with many undetected cases. Level III, Orange, will show where many cases exist and spreading among the community, where undetected cases are likely. Level II, Yellow, shows a moderate number of cases that exist where most of them are from a known source. Level I, Green, shows cases that are rare enough that contact tracing can be used to control the virus.

The Tentative Path to Reopening Schools includes the following changes, among others, to the way schooling has typically been conducted. 

The school system also recommends that parents use private vehicles to transport their children to and from school and that they don’t allow their children to attend school if the children are exhibiting any of the following symptoms: a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, cough, runny nose, sinus congestion, trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, abdominal pain, stomach ache, diarrhea or vomiting.

Virtual learning may be universally implemented or used with only a portion of the Lee County student body. Students from kindergarten through 8th grade will use Google Classroom for virtual learning and students from grades 9 through 12 will use Edgenuity, ACCESS or both. 

Every Lee County school student will be provided a Chromebook to use for remote learning. Lee County Schools will also provide parents with instructions for using Google Classroom, and those parents will have the support of teachers who are well-instructed in the program.

To see the full presentation that was given to the Lee County School Board on July 14, go to

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