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Lee County Commission approves bond refund during Monday’s meeting

By Michelle Key

The Lee County Commission voted to approve the refunding of the Series 201-A Bond Warrants in order to take advantage of changing market conditions and agreed to execute a warrant purchase agreement for Series 2019 Warrants, saving the county approximately $409,393 over the next 10 years in the process. The new series will be financed at a rate 1.98%.
In other business, the commission:
• recgonized Commissioner LaGrand for his completion of ACCA Certification
•recognize Commissioner Lawrence for his 16 years’ service as a commissioner
• received an update from Bill Hutto regarding improvements to the Auburn University Regional Airport
• received an update about the Veterans Service Office’s work from Jamie Popwell
• approved the minutes of the Aug. 26 commission meeting
• voted to ratify and approve claims and procurement card transactions from August
• voted to approve the following individuals for board appointments:

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