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‘A Father’s Voice Matters’ to hold benefit carwash for Kayla Grimes

By Morgan Bryce

Members of A Father’s Voice Matters are holding a car wash April 19 at the Auburn AutoZone store to benefit Beauregard’s Kayla Grimes.
Kayla survived a direct hit from the EF-3 tornado that devastated Beauregard on March 3, but lost her father, soon-to-be stepmother and best friend Taylor Thornton.
A Father’s Voice Matters founder Churmell Mitchell said he was inspired to organize this event for Kayla following a recent dinner with her and her extended family.
“She’s just a great kid. Even though she’s been through a lot, she’s able to laugh and smile and you can’t help but have a good time around her,” Mitchell said.
All proceeds from the car wash will be donated to Grimes’s family to help them cover costs and expenses, part of his group’s effort to “stand in the gap and bless Kayla and her family through acts of kindness.”
Mitchell is working with local businesses to organize a benefit for Thornton’s family in the near future.
The car wash will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at AutoZone, which is located at 1054 Opelika Road.
About A Father’s Voice Matters
Mitchell, a single father of two children, founded A Father’s Voice Matters last fall after identifying the community’s need for men in “every stage of life to boldly step into who God has designed them to be as men, husbands, fathers, co-workers and friends” and “create a safe place for men to connect and encourage one another.”
For more information, like and follow the organization’s Facebook page.

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