The Observer

Civitan Club of Alabama’s annual Thanksgiving sale to be held Nov. 18, accepting ham and turkey orders now

Special to the
Opelika Observer

The Civitan Club of Auburn will continue a 46-year holiday tradition by smoking turkeys and hams for Thanksgiving. Last year, Civitans smoked 120 turkeys and 90 hams for the Thanksgiving season.
Joe Liddy, President of the Civitan Club of Auburn, wants everyone to know, “Turkeys and hams will be available hot off the pit on Nov. 18. They are the most delicious $40 you will find anywhere.”
Orders can be placed with any Civitan member or by calling Laurel Hendrix at 334-545-0069. Leave your name, order (turkey or ham) and contact information. Both turkeys and hams are $40 each. Pre-orders can be picked up at the smoking pit behind the Elk’s Club at 1944 Opelika Roard in Auburn anytime on Nov. 18. Only pre- orders can be guaranteed. Pre-orders are being taken for a possible Christmas smoking also.
Charles Mitchell, another Auburn Civitan, has been involved in smoking turkeys for more than 27 years. He says the best part of the turkey is what is left after all the smoked turkey is consumed. He boils the bones in water with salt and herbs, adds fresh vegetables and makes the best smoked turkey soup you can find anywhere.
Mitchell said he does not have a recipe because each year it changes depending upon the vegetables and herbs available but he swears it is always good.
“Save this to season your holiday collard greens or turnips or freeze it to cook later with your New Years Day black-eyed peas and collard greens. It converts a ho-hum dish into a gourmet meal,” Mitchell added.
The Civitan Club of Auburn is part of Civitan International, a civic club headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama. Funds raised from this annual event help Civitans support projects for Children and Adults with disabilities including the Civitan International Research Center at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Camp ASCCA in Dadeville, and Special Olympics.
The Civitan Club of Auburn also provides the American flags that are displayed in downtown Auburn on holidays and is a sponsor of the Bicycle Safety Program in Auburn City Schools and Auburn’s annual Bike Bash.
Civitans meet every Friday at noon at local restaurants or at Chappy’s in Auburn on the second Tuesday at 6:30 pm.
Programs emphasize volunterism and building good citizenship.

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