Special to the
Opelika Observer
The Auburn-Opelika Tourism Bureau has announced the addition of new staff member Anthony Terling to be the sports and event development manager for the growing organization.
Terling has worked in marketing and sports event management since graduating from Auburn University at Montgomery in 2009 with a undergraduate degree in sports management. He later went on to earn his master’s degree in the same field. Most recently, he served as vice president external affairs for the Alabama Sports Festival Foundation (ASF), a nonprofit organization responsible for producing the Alabama State Games.
“The growth in the Auburn-Opelika area and the continued increase in visitor spending has afforded us the opportunity to create this much-needed position,” said AOTB President John Wild. “Anthony’s experience and expertise will be an asset in attracting and developing new sporting events and tournaments for our community which already features the facilities and resources necessary for success in this market segment.”
Terling’s primary responsibility will be to market the area as a sporting event destination, soliciting travelers, groups and event planners from around the nation. He is also implementing a new volunteer program that will be essential for large-scale events of all types including not only tournaments, but also community events such as “On the Tracks,” “SummerNight Art Walk” and “Bo Bikes Bama.”
Terling serves in several community organizations such as the Auburn Young Professionals and on an advisory board focusing on sports management. He and his wife Lindsey live in Auburn with their two sons.
The Auburn-Opelika Tourism Bureau is a nonprofit service organization driving economic success and enhancing the quality of life in our community through tourism and travel.
For more information, contact Robyn Bridges, vice president, at rlbridges@aotourism.com or 334-887-8747.