By Rebekah Martin
Associate Editor
‘Feed the hungry’ is a biblical commandment members of the Tenth Street church of Christ take very seriously. The congregation works together every month to provide food to those in the community who are food-insecure through food distribution days, typically held on the third Thursday of the month.
David Burch, who works to organize the monthly events, said the church usually distributes more than twenty 25-pound boxes to people in the community. An estimated 7,500 pounds of food have been distributed in 2017. For Thanksgiving, boxes that included speciality items and gift cards to Wright’s Market, went out last Thursday.
“Wright’s has been very good to work with us over the years,” Burch said. “We have a donor who likes to remain anonymous who gives us the funds to purchase these gift cards.” Burch said a total of $1200 was donated this month to be distributed along with the Thanksgiving boxes. “We try to make it possible for some of these folks who have family come to visit, for them to do a little something extra.”
The food that is distributed every month on typical distribution days is all food brought and donated by members of the congregation.
“In a typical month we do mostly canned food. A lot of recipients are elderly or live alone, or both, so we try to stick with things that make single-servings a little easier,” Burch said. “We try to include in each box some fruit and vegetables, some starches – and we try to include some canned meat for some protein. Depending on what people have brought in (that month) we might have macaroni and cheese or other pasta to add.”
Burch said the congregation is committed to taking care of the community in this way because of what the Bible teaches on helping those who are less fortunate. “James 2:16 talks about looking at someone in need and telling them to go their way and be warmed and filled, and how that does neither one of you any good,” Burch said. “We know that there are people who are directly helped by this … It helps the younger folks see that there is more to life than what happens inside your household. For me at least, that’s an important thing to make sure these kids know that. There’s a benefit to me in doing something for someone else,” Burch added.
Those who would like to sign up for the December food distribution day can contact the church office at 745-5181.