The Observer

‘Think Pink’ walk slated for Oct. 14

By Morgan Bryce
Staff Reporter

The 13th annual Think Pink Walk, hosted by the East Alabama Medical Center Foundation, will be Oct. 14 in downtown Opelika.
Karen Calton, event organizer and EAMC Breast Health Navigator, said proceeds from the event will be donated to the hospital’s Breast Health Foundation Fund.
“The foundation uses the money to lessen the financial burdens of our uninsured or underinsured women who are in need of screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, biopsies, doctor’s visits – anything like that,” Calton said.
Unlike previous years, Calton said there will be no pre-registration for the event. Participants are asked to be at Courthouse Square in downtown Opelika at 8 a.m. to register.
The cost is $15, and each walker will receive a ‘Think Pink Walk’ t-shirt.
The mile-long walk will begin at Courthouse Square, and wind its way through the streets of downtown Opelika.
Before the walk, Calton said there will be a survivor’s tent area for women, as well as music and entertainment from D.J. Oz.
Following the walk, participants will gather again at the Courthouse Square for a door-prize giveaway.
Coinciding with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Calton said the walk is a great way for the community to come together and unite behind a common cause.
“(The walk) is a time for us to recognize our breast cancer patients and survivors, or those currently in treatment. It’s also a time that we do remember those that we’ve lost,” Calton said. “But most importantly, it’s a time for everybody to get together for fun and fellowship – family and friends. And to raise general breast-health awareness.”
Ashley Home Furniture in Tiger Town will host a ‘Think Pink Business Expo and Direct-Selling Shop’ Oct. 1. Booths will be set up, selling furniture, make-up, cleaning supplies and more to raise awareness about breast cancer. Vendor fees will be donated to the EAMC Foundation through the walk.
For more information about the walk, contact Calton at (334) 528-4370. To learn more about the expo, email Vickie McLeroy at

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