The Observer


The composition of the gavel, statuette of goddess of justice Themis - with scales of justice, legal codes, stamps and pen. Law concept

Under and by virtue of an Execution issued out of the Circuit Court of Lee County, Alabama, Court Action Number CV2016-900528, on a Judgment rendered therein, in which RENASANT BANK is the Plaintiff and TODD ALLEN CHALOUPKA is the Defendant, I, Jay M. Jones, as Sheriff of Lee County, Alabama, will sell to the highest, best and last bidder for cash at public outcry whatever equity the Defendant may possess in and to the real estate described below:
1736 Roanoke Lane, Auburn, Lee County, Alabama 36830 more particularly described as: Lot 449, Second Revision of Camden Ridge Subdivision, Tenth Addition, according to and as shown on that certain map or plat of said subdivision filed for record in Plat Book 28, at Page 83, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Lee County, Alabama.
Said sale to be held at 12:00 Noon on the 18th day of September 2017, at the Lee County Courthouse in the City of Opelika, State of Alabama. Said sale to be subject to all lawful liens and encumbrances, if any, against said property.
Done this 17th day of July, 2017.
/s/ Jay M. Jones                                                                                                                                                      SHERIFF OF LEE COUNTY, ALABAMA
Legal run 7/26/17, 8/2/17 & 8/9/17

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