The Observer

Major changes coming to the Observer

By Fred Woods

Major changes are coming for the Opelika Observer, its readers and its advertisers.
Beginning March 16,  the Observer will be published on Wednesdays instead of Fridays. Both readers and advertisers seem to prefer the earlier day of the week, so the paper is making this change.
At the same time, the Observer will make several other changes. Observer copies distributed in newspaper boxes, inside several local establishments and at the Opelika Observer office will be available at no charge.
As said earlier, these copies will be available on Wednesday of each week.
For subscribers, the Observer will continue to be delivered to your mail box, but a day earlier (Thursday) and at a reduced rate. Our new subscription rates will be $25 per year for Lee County subscribers and $35 per year for subscribers outside Lee County.
Current subscribers will have their subscriptions extended to reflect the reduced rates.
We want to reassure our readers that we have no intentions of changing our content which you overwhelmingly tell us you like so much.
We hope to attract many more readers and advertisers who truly appreciate what it means to have a locally owned and locally focused newspaper.
Many of you recall the lack of local news coverage in the press before the Opelika Observer began publication seven and one-half years ago.

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