By Donna Williamson
Opelika Observer
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Opelika City Schools’ Board of Education approved $49 million in total expenditures for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015 and ending September 30, 2016. This amount includes the school system’s general fund, special revenue, debt service, capital projects, and fiduciary expendable trust (scholarships).
According to Chief Financial Officer Chris Harrison, approximately 59 percent of the general fund revenue for the upcoming fiscal year comes from state revenue, and the remainder comes from local revenue. He explained that local revenue is slightly down from last year’s budget; however, state revenue increased.
Nearly 80 percent of the more than $37 million allotted to the general fund goes to instructional support and instructional services, while less than 10 percent is set aside for operation and maintenance. Approximately 5 percent goes toward general administrative services and the remaining 4 percent is used for auxiliary services (transportation).
The school system will provide services to approximately 4,260 students in the 2015-2016 fiscal year.
Dr. Brenda Rickett, assistant superintendent of curriculum, gave a review on the Alabama State Department of Education’s local indicator. “Each school will develop an indicator (something that reflects on academics) as part of the accountability program,” Rickett said.
Kenneth Burton, assistant superintendent of administration, presented the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, which is required by the State Department of Education.
The board gave approval for the OMS band to compete in the Orlando Fest Music Festival in Orlando, FL April 28-May 1, 2016 and for the OMS sixth grade incentive trip to the Coca Cola Space Science Center in Columbus, GA on October 12, 2015.
In other business, the board
Approved renewal of the Alabama Trust for Boards of Education general liability/errors and omissions liability coverage in the amount of $8,852.00
Approved a bid of $26,448.06 from Gadsden Music for band instruments for OHS
Approved a bid of $207,315.75 from Quality Produce for the Child Nutrition Program for produce for all Opelika City Schools
Approved a bid $107,555.29 from Mobile Fixture & Equipment Co. for the replacement of two cafeteria serving lines at Jeter Primary and Northside Intermediate schools
Approved the Sex Offender Policy, the Data Use and Governance Policy, the revised Field Trip Policy and the revised Anti-harassment Policy for Opelika City Schools.