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Commission delays rezoning for Lee County Youth Development Center

By Anna-Claire Terry
Staff Reporter

Confusion struck at the Opelika Planning Commission voting session on  Tuesday shortly after Commission members voted to approve a rezoning request for 1101 Spring Drive, a property intended for the expansion of the Lee County Youth Development Center. The confusion was because of inconsistencies in paperwork regarding the property’s description. Because the property was first advertised as 12.3 acres and the request was to amend  the zoning from low-density residential to institutional land use.
After the vote for a positive recommendation to City Council, City Attorney Guy Gunter noticed differences in the property description in the resolution and the application. According to Gunter, it was best to delay voting on the rezoning of the property back until next month in case the property’s description was not advertised correctly. The detail in question was whether block L of the property was to be rezoned and how many acres are included. “I’m not sure what we’re trying to rezone here,” Gunter said. He also warned that if the City Council approves the wrong information, the Lee County Youth Development Center will have to start over. Following Gunter’s advice, Commission members then voted to withdraw motions for the rezoning recommendation. Voting on the matter has been moved to September’s meeting and is expected to be heard by City Council by October.
In other business, the commission approved two opportunities for Opelika residents to enjoy getting active and fit. Conditional use requests were approved for a dance studio at 1703 Westend Court and Planet Fitness indoor fitness center in the former Burke’s Outlet building at 2500 Pepperell Parkway.
The council also:
-Approved the vacation a right-of-way on King Street near Century Boulevard.
-Approved the vacation of a power easement on 1105 Preston Street.

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