Dogs and BBQ

I love BBQ like old people love Buicks. Several years ago, I was traveling through Memphis en route to Fort Carson, Colorado, for some high speed Army training and had a couple of hours built into the itinerary for a pit stop in Memphis. Renowned for its BBQ, Memphis...

Energy independence, crazy ants and moths

“We must strive to become energy independent,” is the mantra repeated over and over by the titans of fossil fuel extraction companies. “Drill, baby, drill,” “Frack, baby, frack,” “Mine, baby, mine, and remove the tops of the Appalachian Mountains to get the underlying...

Frugality fatigue

For the past three years people have been paying more attention to frugality. We have practiced frugality at every turn and we are tired, but just because we are tired is no reason to give up on being frugal. The recession taught us that we had done some silly...

Legals – 6/7

In the Probate Court of Lee County State of Alabama In Re: The Estate of Arthur R. Chriss, Deceased Notice of Appointment to be published by Personal Representative Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to the undersigned on the 24 day of May,...