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My favorite ‘what-not’ store

We recently threw a rather elaborate birthday party for our youngest in the Enchanted Play Yard. I was inspired, since “everyone is mad here” to plan an Alice in Wonderland event to honor our little eight year old. Believe it or not, we don’t do many big parties, with a family as large as ours there would be one every week in the spring.

For inspiration I went to Pinterest. If you haven’t discovered this wonderful place, you are missing out on the most creative, idea-filled “imagazine” imaginable. It’s like having the creative minds of thousands of people open for public view, just type in a topic and be amazed.

After making a list of fun items I would need for the party, I headed downtown to my favorite little whatnot store, “Gatherings.”

My friends Judy Robinson and Paula Roberts have a collectors paradise down on the corner of Railroad Avenue. They are tucked away at the end of the street that now houses some of the best restaurants in a hundred mile radius. If the smell of all that delicious food doesn’t draw you to Railroad these days you haven’t been riding with your windows down.

“Gatherings” is like falling through the Rabbit’s Hole itself. The girls have done a beautiful job displaying anything you might want to uniquely decorate your home. I was looking for teapots on my birthday party search and they certainly didn’t disappoint. I always have to walk through the store several times to feel like I’ve seen everything. I found exactly what I wanted at prices too good to pass up. I had my little birthday girl with me, she immediately found a tiny teapot she wanted. After Paula wrapped all the treasures and I paid her, we headed for the car. It was then I spied the perfect little teapot cake topper in the window — I had to have it too! It became the centerpiece for the whole party.

That evening I shared on Facebook about the cute little shop at the end of Railroad and was shocked at the responses I got from people who didn’t know anything about this jewel in our town.

“Gatherings” is pretty much what the name suggests. Judy and Paula are gatherers, I suppose they are like “Pickers” Frank and Mike, if you are familiar with that show on the History Channel. They find unique items along the way and sell them in their store. This is not a junk shop or a thrift store, it is more a boutique at bargain prices, and I do mean bargain. I have seen the same items in other specialty shops at twice the ticket price, sometimes more.

“Gatherings” is a labor of love for two hometown girls who just want to share their excitement for finding fun and interesting items. I never go in and come out empty handed. My home has countless “Gatherings” touches all over. If I ever need inspiration I know where to go. Pinterest may be a great starting point but Paula and Judy are far more entertaining and they give encouragement and hugs.

Go visit, tell them Angie sent you.

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