The Observer

Dixie Boys baseball team wins District 5 tournament

By D. Mark Mitchell
Sports Editor

The Dixie Youth Major Ozone All-Star team (11 and 12-year-olds) are traveling to Fairhope today for the State Tournament, which begins on Saturday July 14.

This is a double elimination tournament with the winner advancing to the World Series.

The Opelika Dixie Boys  (14-year-olds) All-Star team won the District 5 tournament to advance to the State Tournament in Piedmont on July 20. The team eased through the 11 team district tournament with little trouble. This will be the second trip to the State Tournament for this team. They won the State and finished third in the World Series last year as 13-year-olds.

You can hear the games on WKKR 97.7 or WMXA 96.7 beginning Saturday July 21.

The Opelika Junior Dixie Boys (13-year-olds) will be the host team for the State Tournament next Friday, July 20, at Harrelson Field at West Ridge Park.

This will be a seven-team tournament with the winner advancing to the World Series in Virginia. The tournament will start Friday with opening ceremonies at 7 p.m. at West Ridge. A home run derby contest will be held between each team.

This tournament will bring six teams from out of town that will be staying until they are eliminated. The finals are scheduled for Wednesday, July 25.

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