Letter to the Editor Articles

Letter to the editor

“That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.”Ponder it.What a beautiful promise that is! That a grand story is taking place all around us, even in the most mundane moments of life, yet still, this story has a place for each voice to find its place...

Time to stop the insanity

OPINION — "Free Markets" would solve this quagmire regarding "legal" medical Cannabis. The Alabama Legislature had an opportunity in the 2024 Legislative Session to resolve this dilemma and chose not to do so, while the sick, suffering and dying citizens of Alabama...

Letter to editor

Reader urges: Vote for democracy July 4th, 1776: Some say that is the greatest day in American history. I might not necessarily agree, but I think the greatest system of government was established. My ancestors were not included at that time, but later the 13th...

Higher taxes alone won’t save Social Security

BY JAMES PATTERSON OPINION — With a national election within months, Social Security is in the news. Senator Tommy Tuberville, R-Alabama, recently said that many Americans might not see a penny of their Social Security.During a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and...
Letter to the Editor:

Letter to the Editor:

Auburn Council not representative of population, but there’s hope BY LATICIA T. SMITH OPINION — As I sit considering the recent run-off election of...

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Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

OPINION — Delighted to read [Observer 12/28/23 p.B6] about AU Graduation at ALDoC’s Staton facility which included APAEP (Alabama Prison Arts +...

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