There are likely a dozen good reasons why churches grow. The primary reason, of course, is obvious: God gives the growth. No one ever explained this better than Saint Paul when he wrote to the Corinthian Church, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (3:6).
But in growing a church, God uses people. People who are authentic disciples of Jesus. People whose love for Jesus causes them to serve Jesus. People who take seriously the commandment of Jesus to “make disciples.” People who choose to live for Jesus, not for themselves. People who believe the church exists for the people who are not in it.
God uses pastors to grow a church. Pastors whom He has anointed with the desire to let God make the church a redemptive fellowship for all people, especially broken, hurting people.
The church hierarchy ordains pastors to lead churches; God anoints pastors with what it takes to help Him grow churches.
For almost a quarter of a century I have had the honor of serving Jesus in the Saint James Church on Vaughn Road in Montgomery. During most of those years I worked “full-time” in retirement. Now, in semi-retirement at 93, I continue to be blessed with the privilege of serving as the “old pastor” at this growing church.
Thirty years ago God sent Lester Spencer to Saint James. Under his leadership the 200 member church relocated and became a congregation of 1500 with a sprawling campus and a worship center that can seat a thousand people. God used Lester and his wife Janeese, and the gifts He had given them to grow the church.
When Lester moved on to become the leader of the new Global Methodist conference in Alabama and West Florida, a new sheriff took the reins of Saint James. Harrison Bell was already on staff at Saint James, having left his beloved home state of Tennessee to serve Jesus in Montgomery.
It seems apparent that God sent Harrison to Saint James for the church is experiencing a new season of growth under his guidance. Though only 37, he seems wise beyond his years. And to use the words of John, he appears to “have an anointing from the Holy One” (1 John 2:20).
What does that mean? John linked this anointing with “knowing the truth.” This idea fits Harrison well. He knows the church is all about Jesus; that is the essential truth because Jesus is the Truth. When you come to Saint James, you are confronted constantly with Harrison’s four favorite words: “Abiding in Jesus Together.” Every time I hear him say those words, my heart says, “YES, that’s why we are here — to abide in Jesus and to grow more like Him — together!” You are not around Harrison long before you realize his primary goal as a pastor is to help people know, love and serve Jesus. And that is God’s anointing truth.
Of course those are just words, words that may be hollow — unless they come from the lips of a pastor who has two authentic qualities — transparency and accountability. Harrison has both. He is remarkably transparent about his flaws, and quick to admit he cannot function without the strength of the indwelling Christ. He has learned that personal growth in grace is grounded in becoming accountable to his dearest brothers in Christ for his habits, attitudes and actions. And, praise Jesus, he is accountable to his congregation for what is being done with their tithes and offerings.
Having served Jesus as a pastor since 1951, I now have the great joy of having a pastor of my own, a man who like Jesus takes the time to eat with sinners. Harrison has a truckload of duties as the lead pastor of Saint James, but he is not too busy to show up at our weekly luncheon for men who are excited about abiding in Jesus together.
If you are looking for a church that will help you fall in love with Jesus and some of his friends, I recommend Saint James. It has a Lead Pastor you will love because he loves Jesus. And Harrison has surrounded himself with a dedicated staff, friends of Jesus who will walk beside you in the hardships of life and make you glad you decided to abide in Jesus with his people at Saint James.
You will soon forget what I have written here, but do yourself a favor. Remember the four words: “Abiding in Jesus Together.” That’s what a growing church is all about. Add three words: “Now and Forever,” and the theme is even more exciting.
Well, Glory! When that is the focus of a church, it is surely a church that God is growing! And it explains why Saint James is growing, and why I am so thankful Jesus sent me to abide in Him together with the good folks in that loving fellowship.