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A Taste of Grace | Dec. 19, 2024

A Thrill of Hope


It’s one of those old Hallmark commercials — the kind that were two minutes plus and shown only during Hallmark Hall of Fame presentations. I’ve long since forgotten what the presentation was, but I haven’t forgotten the commercial. It’s called “Home for the Holidays.”
It’s a snowy Christmas Eve, and there is an extended family gathering at the grandparents’ home. Ten-year-old Johnny and his parents are there, as well as a Christmas card from his older brother Tom, who is working in Europe. The card says he will be home for Christmas Eve in time for he and Johnny to sing for the family as they do each year.
As the day goes on, the weather worsens. Other relatives are barely able to get in through the storm. As afternoon turns into evening, everyone has managed to make it — except Tom. No one has heard anything from him. It is a disappointed Johnny who dutifully stands before the family and begins to sing “O Holy Night.”
He’s not too far into the song when a door opens behind him and Tom steps in. He holds up a finger so everyone will keep quiet and walks up behind Johnny. The solo becomes a duet as he puts his arm on his shoulder, and they sing:
A thrill of hope — the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! O Hear the angels’ voices!
O night divine! O night when Christ was born.
There was a time for mankind when the world was frozen in a winter of sin and despair. Misery was the order of the season and hope was in full retreat. Just when things were at their bleakest, and defeat seemed inevitable, our older brother arrived on the scene. He put His arm on our shoulder, joy in our song, and the world has never been the same.
Deity came to earth in the person of Jesus. The little baby lying in the feeding trough, the one among the animals, is Lord of heaven and earth.
And He grew to be a man who, in John’s words, “loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood” (1:5). “Couldn’t be,” you say. “The Sovereign of the universe would never subject Himself to such things as mangers and crosses.” But He did. And we’re the reason.
This is the star that should guide us and fill our lives with meaning and purpose. This far-fetched, amazing life that began in a stable, ended on a cross, and then began again in a garden is our story, our hope, and our redemption.
What began in Bethlehem couldn’t be contained in that tiny town.
It spilled over into Galilee, Jerusalem, and Samaria. Then it was on to Athens, Alexandria and Rome. The centuries have been unable to hold the glorious truth of that life, and it lives today, brightly beaming its healing light to a hurting world. You see, there is simply not enough darkness in the universe to extinguish the light of His life.
Never has been and never will be.

Green has written an entry level book on Revelation called “The Thrill of Hope.” It is available through Amazon.

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