The Observer

Classroom Observer


Beth Pinyerd

Celebrating our fathers


Hey, have you picked up that Father’s Day card or your dad’s favorite tie or shirt, a needed tool or favorite sports’ equipment yet?
There are many different kinds of dads that come to our minds when we think of Father’s Day. Even the name “father” takes many forms of addressing the man we call father. It could be Dad, Daddy, Pop, Papa, Gramps, “Big Daddy” and the list goes on and on.
As we address God as our Heavenly Father in the Lord’s Prayer we see in Matthew 6:9: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. His name is Holy full of love and grace. In Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heaven and earth. Our Father in heaven is the Creator of The Universe.
“This is My Father’s World,” one of my favorite Hymns written by Maltbie Davenport Babcock, points out the beauty of nature as we worship our Father in Heaven. George Washington is referred to “The Father of Our Nation.”
Father’s Day was created as a way to complement Mother’s Day. Who we honor as our fathers take on a personal note in who we relate to as our fathers. It could be our biological father, grandfather, a distant relative or a good friend who serves in the role of father to our child or children. Fathers play such a vital role in a child’s life. Children of all ages observe everything as they take the whole world in. They watch what adults do. We are their first teachers, and children model our actions in order to learn. It is so funny when we see toddlers wearing their daddy’s shoes. The same is true for those who love to adorn themselves with mama’s jewelry or makeup. What a joy and a complimentary reflection of how children want to be like mama and daddy.
In the United States, the first modern Father’s Day was celebrated on July 5, 1908, in Fairmont, West Virginia, at Williams Memorial Methodist Church. Another initiator of beginning Father’s Day was Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd. She wanted to honor her Dad, a civil war veteran, William Jackson Smart, who was a single parent who raised his six children in Spokane, Washington. She was encouraged and inspired by Anna Jarvis’ efforts to establish Mother’s Day.
Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June each year. The very first June Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington. The date of Father’s Day varies in different countries.
Looking back through my teaching files for guiding young children in making gifts for their dads, I ran across some homemade, simple ideas I’d like to share.

  1. Simply making a paper or cardboard Father’s Day card with the child’s hands traced on the front, or a snapshot picture of a child, is a keepsake.
  2. Filling a jar with candy kisses and a note or a hug lets daddy know you love him. What a sweet treat.
  3. Childrens’ hands can always help and pitch in to fix Dad’s favorite breakfast.
  4. Make Dad a cardboard crown to serve as “King for the Day.”
  5. Make Dad a “Chore Coupon Book” for tasks to be done. Examples are helping with the grass, taking out the garbage, feeding the family pet or helping Dad grocery shop when needed. This will make your child understand they are giving something to Dad — their time.
  6. Our Heavenly Father just desires our fellowship with Him, so what a gift earthly fathers can give their children in guiding them toward God.
    I love the old saying that we hear year after year, “Any man can be a Father, but it takes a special person to be called Dad.”
    Friday, June 14, is Flag Day in the United States, a day which honors the national flag. On this date in 1777, the founders approved the design for our first national flag. Young children love to wave little flags as they march and sing “You’re A Grand Old Flag” by George M. Cohan. Top off the celebration with red, white and blue popsicles or cupcakes.
    Happy Father’s Day to all our Dads in the community.

Beth Pinyerd has taught many years and holds a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education.

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