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Opelika approves contract to seek services for another roundabout

By Michelle Key

The Opelika City Council voted to approve the engineering department to seek services from Sain Associates Inc. for design for a roundabout at the intersection of Sportsplex Road and West Point Parkway.

Opelika Mayor Gary Fuller and the council also recognized the OPS/AMEA Scholarship recipients, members of the All-State band from Opelika High School and OPD officer Montrez Hunter as Central Alabama CrimeStoppers Officer of the Year during the meeting. The council also presented a proclamation declaring April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) to raise awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it.

SAAM calls attention to the fact that sexual harassment, assault and abuse are widespread and impact every person in the Opelika community.

In other business, the council voted to:

– Approve a request by Opelika Main Street for the First on 1st Avenue Block Party on April 10.

– Approve a request from Keep Opelika Beautiful for Garden in the Park on May 1.

– Approve a request for the 2021 Run It to Win It 5K in downtown Opelika on May 15.

– Held a public hearing regarding the demolition of a structure located at 108 Ray Ave. During the public hearing, one of the heirs of the property notified the city that the house has been torn down and the debris is in the process of being removed.

 – Approve a bid for printer maintenance contract for the IT department.

– Approve a bid for the parks and recreation management software annual contract for the IT department.

– Approve a bid for the Andrews Road at Unnamed Creek Precast Bridge Construction contract.

– Approve a bid for the Opelika Power Substations One, Two, Three and Six Control House Replacements Project contract for Opelika Power Services.

– Approve a resolution to purchase (624) 96-gallon refuse containers.

– Approve change orders for the furniture contracts related to the new library.

– Approved a request refund of occupational license fees paid in error by Terry Breaux.

– Approved an agreement with Envision Opelika for the Phase V Renovation Project at South Side Center for the Arts.

– Approve an arrangement letter with Critical Insights Consulting, LLC.

– Approve the renewal of existing asphalt resurfacing contract with East Alabama Paving Co.

– Approve a sign license agreement with Insure With A Rose, Inc.

– Approve an engagement letter with Hand Arendall Harrison Sale.

– Approve an engagement letter with Lanier Ford Shaver & Payne, P.C.

– Approve a joint resolution opposing changes to the 2010 Standards for Delineating metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area standards which could potentially impact future federal funding.

– Approve a request for an extension of the special use permit with Verizon at 269 Lee Road 711.

– Approve a special appropriation in the amount of $10,000 to A-O Tourism for hosting the AJGA Golf Tournament at Grand National in July 2021.

– Approve a special appropriation in the amount of $2,500 to Reach Out and Read Alabama from each of the five ward’s reserve funds.

– Approve a professional services agreement with Skipper Consulting, Inc. for a traffic and intersection study at Gateway Drive and Marvyn Parkway.

– Approve an agreement with Barrett Simpson, Inc. for the design of the Veterans Parkway Extension Phase II.

– Approve an agreement with CDG Engineering for the Thomason Drive Extension Phase II Design.

 – Approve an Ordinance for the leasing of the property Located at 1103 Glenn St. to Envision Opelika Foundation, Inc.

– To reappoint David McCain to the LRCOG MPO Citizen Advisory Committee for a new term ending April 7, 2023.

The next scheduled council meeting will be on April 20 at 7 p.m. Agendas and agenda packages can be found on the city’s website

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