The Observer

Larger-than-life Christmas cards

2018-12-02 Camelot at Christmas

By Hannah Lester

2018-12-02 Camelot at Christmas

For years, residents throughout Lee County have looked forward to driving through the Camelot Subdivision for “Christmas in Camelot.”

Larger-than-life Christmas Cards that showcase the art of Opelika High School students are placed in the subdivision off Rocky Brook Road.

The cards are by no means new. They were painted many years ago under the tutelage of Art Teacher Roslyn Stern.

“Mom was always very community oriented,” said Roslyn’s son, J. “I am sure that someone approached her about doing the cards and she jumped all on it.”

2018-12-02 Camelot at Christmas

Traditions run strong in Lee County, and the cards have been displayed for over 30 years by friends and neighbors.

Roslyn began painting the cards with students in 1986 or 1987, J said.

“They were very well received,” he said. “I think they were looking to do something that accompanies the Luminaries in Collinwood, but something that could be up longer than just one day. It has grown and expanded so much, and it has become a part of Christmas and Opelika.”

Drive-throughs are encouraged in the neighborhood from 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. each night in December.

“I’ve always loved to see my mother’s artwork in the city,” J said. “Especially something like this. It just shows her legacy, this has lasted and grown over the last 34 years.”

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