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AACT Academy Goes Online for Musical Theater Experience 2020: June 15 to 26

Special to the
Opelika Observer

Join Auburn Area Community Theatre for a whole new camp experience. Even in a pandemic, the show must go on-line.

Through daily zoom calls that will be organized by age group, all campers ages three to 18 will have a curated experience with small group voice and acting coaching, one on one sessions, weekly musical theatre history scavenger hunts and camp-wise game nights for the whole family! ACT Jr (ages 3 to 5) will be making a music video, ACT I and II (ages 6-8 and 9-12, respectively) will be performing a play designed for online production, and ACT III (ages 12-18, 12-year-olds having the choice between II and III) will be putting together numbers as of AACT’s COVID Cabaret.

ACT I; II campers will need to submit a video audition by June 12 so that parts can be determined. For full and complete details including expectations, technical requirements, pricing, as well as to register and pay, please visit

(Select Children’s Theatre at the top of the webpage and then select Summer Camps) Sibling discounts, full-tuition scholarships, and “pay what you can” options will be available to anyone who needs it. That information can also be found on the website.

Stay tuned for information about Telling YOUR story – Pandemic Experiences from 2020: July 6 to 17. Details will be made available soon.

Auburn Area Community Theatre is a non-profit organization that exists to serve the Auburn/Opelika Community. Its purpose is to provide an opportunity for education and participation in the world of theatre and present a quality, entertaining and thought-provoking theatre experience. AACT is actively soliciting new members who have an interest in helping the growth of community theatre. AACT members and the community-at-large are encouraged to participate. For more information please visit

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