The Observer

EAMC provides COVID-19 update Thursday


Special to the Opelika Observer

As of 4:30 p.m. on Thursday:

In the Hospital (EAMC and EAMC-Lanier):

57 – patients currently hospitalized at EAMC with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis.

60 – patients previously hospitalized with COVID-19 who have been discharged.

12 – patients currently hospitalized with suspected COVID-19.

17 – patients currently hospitalized who were previously suspected of COVID-19, but have since received a negative test result.

EAMC COVID-19 Testing Statistics (HealthPlus and EAMC-Lanier):

2,648 – # of COVID-19 tests submitted by EAMC

2,121 – # of COVID-19 tests that were negative

74 – # of COVID-19 tests that are pending results

16.5% – percentage of EAMC test kits that have tested positive

Local confirmed COVID-19 cases by county (source: ADPH website)

Lee County – 293

Chambers County – 232

Tallapoosa County – 160

Randolph County – 47

Russell County – 35

Macon County – 22

Clay County – 14

Bullock County – 8

ICU Patient Featured in Video Discharged from EAMC (graphic attached)

Last Tuesday, Tony Thornton moved from the ICU to a regular bed on 7T, a medical nursing floor. EAMC staff celebrated this milestone with a pep rally, which was captured on video and posted to our social media pages to highlight this huge step in his journey. On Tuesday, Tony became the 47th patient to be discharged home after being hospitalized at EAMC with COVID-19.

Q&A with Infectious Diseases Physician (Word document, photo and graph attached)

Published today on the EAMC Newsroom is a Q&A session with Ricardo Maldonado, M.D., Infectious Diseases specialist at EAMC. This session covers topics including what our current COVID-19 numbers mean, and if we have seen the COVID-19 peak in east Alabama. Read the full article here:

EAMC-Lanier COVID-19 Patient Success Story

Myrtis Chappell, an 88-year-old patient who was one of the first to be admitted with COVID-19 at EAMC-Lanier, was discharged from the medical nursing unit Monday. She has now begun a 20-day physical therapy rehab regimen elsewhere in the hospital and will then return home. When Myrtis arrived at EAMC-Lanier, she was Flu A and Flu B positive, in addition to being COVID-19 positive. She has been re-tested since her recovery, and is now COVID-19 negative. To watch her video, visit EAMC’s Facebook page.

Update on Supplies

Thanks to the generosity of the community and the decrease in COVID-19 cases, EAMC is currently stable on all supplies.  The support of the community really helped EAMC through what we hope was the peak of the pandemic in east Alabama.

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