By Robert Noles
Photojournalist for the
Opelika Observer
Last week before a full council chamber, Mayor Gary Fuller presented a proclamation and sign for the renaming of the Second Avenue bridge to the Sharron Robinson Fuller Memorial Bridge. Ike Scott called the Mayor a few weeks ago and made the suggestion of naming the bridge after Sharron. The bridge, built in 1999, was the first major project Sharron worked on as she started her 26-year career with the Alabama DOT.
Many family members and friends were present for the presentation. Mike Hilyer, Public Works Director/ESG had the signs in place last Wednesday following Tuesday’s night council meeting.
Also, Mayor Fuller presented a proclamation declaring January 2019 “Human Trafficking Awareness Month.”
The December monthly building report stated that there were 13 new single dwellings last month with a total of 55 single dwelling homes for the year. Total building amount was over 18 million for the year.
In other business the council:
• removed a resolution for demolition of 112 N. 18th Place from where it had been tabled allowing it to move forward for demolition
• approved expense reports from various departments
• authorized a grant application for $50,000 from National Fish & Wildlife Foundation for the Pepperell Watershed Project
• approved an ordinance to amend the zoning map at 2015 Gateway Drive
• heard 1st reading and the rules were suspended allowing a vote to amend the zoning ordinance and zoning map of the the city from I-1, GC-P to C-2, GC-P. This will change from institutional GC-P to office commercial GC-P.
• approved three reappointments: Tipi Miller, Jay Walters and Chris Nunn were reappointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustments with the new term ending Feb. 11, 2022.