Under and by virtue of an Execution issued out of the Circuit Court of Lee County, Alabama, Court Action Number CV2011-302, on a Judgment rendered therein, in which ARLYN RICE SIBILLE is the Plaintiff and THOMAS K. DAVIS, III is the Defendant, I, Jay M. Jones, as Sheriff of Lee County, Alabama, will sell to the highest, best and last bidder for cash at public outcry whatever equity the Defendant may possess in and to the property described below:
VIN: 5TFBV581X7X009343
BLACK, 4 Door
Mileage: XX,XXX
Said sale to be held at 10:00 AM CST on the 4th day of MARCH 2015, at the Lee County Sheriff’s Impound Lot located at 1900 Frederick Road, Opelika, Lee County, Alabama. Said sale to be subject to all lawful liens and encumbrances, if any, against said property. Vehicle(s) is sold “AS IS.” The Sheriff’s Office makes no representation or warranty as to the condition of the vehicle(s).
Done this 19TH day of FEBRUARY, 2015.
/s/Jay M. Jones Sheriff of Lee County
Legal run 2/27/15