The Observer

Trinity Trumpet: Trinity student to be a ‘Page’

by Elizabeth Patton

Student Reporter


Chloe Colquitt, a junior at Trinity, has been accepted to work as a page for the United States Page Program in Washington, D.C., during the summer.

This prestigious position involves meeting senators and sitting in on sessions of Congress. Pages run errands between offices of senators and between the House of Representatives and the Senate among other duties.

Colquitt heard about the program from a church friend and was interested enough to ask about the application process while visiting Washington, D.C., with her family.

Applicants are required to complete an online application as well as send a packet of documents including a cover letter, resume and academic transcript, and three letters of recommendation to the program coordinator.

After this was completed, Colquitt received a phone call from Alabama Senator Richard Shelby’s office informing her that she was one of 30 pages accepted to the summer program. Colquitt said she was impressed by the professionalism of the people who work in the capital and thought it would be a “great learning experience” to spend some time there as a Page as well as an “adventure to meet Pages from all over the country.”

The application process itself was educational for Colquitt.

“I’ve now experienced writing a resume, cover letter and getting recommendations,” Colquitt said.

As she looks forward to the summer, she says she hopes to gain “a better understanding of how our country is run” as well as simply “good working experience.”

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