The Observer

The Trinity Trumpet

Written by Elizabeth Patton
Student Writer

Trinity student Sara Caitlin Godwin represented Lee County in the Distinguished Young Women of Alabama competition, formerly known as Junior Miss. Godwin, a senior at Trinity, performed a self-taught “Charlie Brown” piano medley composed by her uncle, George Godwin.

The competition also included categories in fitness, poise, academics, and interview skills, as well as talent. During the week before the state competition, the participants lived with host families in Montgomery as they prepared for the performances.

“I really wasn’t prepared for the DYW [Distinguished Young Women] experience. I now know a girl from almost every county in Alabama. They each have a story to tell, and since I go to a small school, interaction with people different than me is limited,” Godwin said. “I am grateful to have had this chance to make new friends. Overall, my week at DYW was long and hard, but it was so very worth it. I would encourage all girls to participate!”

Godwin, who plans to attend Auburn University in the fall, is eligible for university-funded scholarships after taking part in the program at the state level.

She will speak at area high schools this spring and will appear as the reigning Distinguished Young Woman of Lee County at the local program in August.

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