The Observer

ESPN visits Trinity for raptor show

Contributed by student writer Elizabeth Patton

In Mrs. Rickles’s fourth grade, students annually learn about birds and the mechanics of flight and take a trip to visit the Southeastern Raptor Center at Auburn University.

is year, however, Roy Crowe, the eagle consultant at the Raptor Center, brought the birds of prey to Trinity. ESPN, which plans to do a special on the Auburn University eagle in December, wanted footage of Crowe giving a presentation to students.

Crowe, who has two daughters at Trinity, asked if he could come to Trinity to do the fourth grade show. An ESPN cameraman arrived at Trinity and filmed the presentation of the raptors, which included the Auburn University eagle, the screech owl, the barn owl, the vulture and the peregrine falcon. Christin Frazier, the fourth grade teacher’s aide, noted that the students were much closer to the birds than they ever would have been at a regular Raptor Center show.

e experience was a special one for the fourth grade students and a proud moment for the entire Trinity family.

Trinity moves into second quarter

Mrs. Warmouth’s kindergarten celebrated the new season with their annual Pumpkin Day.

For Pumpkin Day, the students wore orange t-shirts and ate orange food. ey also participated in races and played games and helped to carve a pumpkin, getting their hands dirty as they cleaned out the inside and took out the seeds.

e highlight of the day was the special pumpkin hunt where each student hunted for a pumpkin to take home.

In Mrs. Ballew’s third grade, the students are working hard at everything from geography to history to literature. ey are reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White as well as working on projects about Ancient Egypt. e third graders have also been learning the countries of Africa and the Middle East, an impressive task for anyone to accomplish.

In Mrs. Carpenter’s fih grade history class, the students are learning about Medieval Europe. ey have constructed models of medieval castles,and soon they will build catapults to shoot marshmallows for “castle wars.”

roughout the grades at Trinity and even at a young age, students are able to both learn and apply what they know.

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