The Observer

Korean War Honorary Marker Unveiled

Korean War veterans were honored Sunday at an unveiling of an honorary marker at Pine Tucket Cemetery. Veterans of the Gulf War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan/Iraq and World War I and II were in attendance.


The Auburn Heritage Association unveiled its most recent honorary marker Sunday afternoon at Pine Tucket Cemetery.

The marker, in honor of API (Auburn) veterans who died in Korea, joins markers honoring World War I and II vets, along with Vietnam vets.

“Today we are here to remember and recognize those who have served our nation but especially those that have served our nation with honor and distinction during the Korean War,” said Lt. Gen. Ron Burgess, executive vice president at Auburn University. “We gather today to dedicate this memorial to my left, your right, to remember an occasion that changed the course of our nation’s history and the history of the world.”

There was one Korean veteran in attendance at the unveiling, who also served in World War II. Additionally, there were veterans from the Gulf War, Vietnam War and Iraq/Afghanistan War present.

“Our common commitment to defense and love of our country binds us together and unifies us,” Burgess said. “That goes to the heart of what it means to be an American. Those men and women who fought in Korea are the epitome of what it means to be an American. As a nation, we must ensure that the service and sacrifice of our veterans is never overlooked or forgotten. And ceremonies like today certainly do that.

“The Korean War was a savage war that took over 37,000 American lives. It is fitting that we are here today recognizing the placing of this memorial and remembering those who laid down their lives in defense of freedom as well as the veterans here today and throughout this nation. Let us never forget your bravery, your sacrifice and the legacy that you and so many others have left us.”

Pine Tucket Cemetery is a site surrounded by Auburn University land, in sight of campus. There is not a specific address Hendrix could provide but said, “If you are going out Wire Road, before you hit the Shug Jordan Expressway, on the left is going to be an incline road. Go up that incline.”

The land is open to the public and includes the small cemetery, honorary markers and a flag pole.

“I’m proud to be here today, I’m happy to see everybody here,” said Vice President of the Auburn Heritage Association Charles Hendrix. “This is a wonderful occasion. This actually is the end of Phase I of our memorial up here on the top up here at Pine Tucket Cemetery.”

Markers honoring veterans from the Gulf War and Iraq/Afghanistan Wars will be left to the younger generation,” Hendrix said.

“What [the Heritage Association does] to commemorate and remember those that have served is nothing short of, I mean, I can’t even put into words what it means, as I stand here as a veteran, along with the other veterans that are here today, for what y’all do and how you go about doing this,” Burgess said.

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