Mary Ernestine “Teeny” Kendall Jones was born on Aug. 17, 1943 and passed away Feb. 18, 2021.
Tenny is survived by her son Benjamin Jones & wife Chrissy Jones; her daughter, Kathryn Strickland & husband Benjamin Strickland, as well as her sister, Marcheta “Keeta” Kendall; Her best friend of many years was Clara Ogletree, and she remained congenial with her former spouse, Stanley Jones, the father of Benjamin & Kathryn. An animal family member, the last of many, is Lulu, a Shi-Tzu, also survives her.
Visitation will be held from 11 a.m. until Noon at Auburn United Methodist Church Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021.
A Memorial Service will be held at Auburn United Methodist Church on Feb. 24, 2021 at Noon.
Teeny Jones conquered severe childhood asthma and spent her adult life as a Registered Dietician, first working with the underserved rural poor of central Alabama, later as a well-jonmrespected member of the EAMC Nutritional Services staff. She was an open advocate for the dignity and humanity of AIDS patients in a time and place where that was controversial. She was known for her gentleness, her compassion and her integrity. She was a survivor of childhood traumas, and raised her own family in a safe, loving home filled with unconditional love. She shared her love of animals, nature, music and books with her children. She was a good friend, a successful professional, and a great mom. Her light touched thousands in many different ways, and in turn those lights are still touching others, a gentle flame that continues to show this suffering world a path of Love, Kindness, Reason and Empathy. Her life was shortened by lifelong tobacco addiction, and she passed before her family was ready to say goodbye. She was a fervent, well-nigh fanatic follower of Auburn University Football. The only time her family ever heard her utter curse words was during AU games, at least once every Iron Bowl 🙂 War Eagle, Mom.