The Observer

Lee County School Board votes to open schools

By Will Fairless
Associate Editor

The Lee County School Board voted last Tuesday to reopen schools for traditional, in-person learning, which began Monday. Families who had registered for virtual/remote learning are still able to have their needs met that way.

The following is from a statement the school board released last week:

“In order to open schools and remain operational for in-person learning, it is imperative that all  parents, guardians, employees and  students respect and adhere to the guidelines set forth by  the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH).  Parents and guardians must be vigilant in serving as the first line of defense for daily screening of students. If any member of the household has a positive test for coronavirus  or exhibits symptoms of illness, then all members of that household must refrain from attending school.  With the proper communication between parents and school officials, absences can be coded correctly and academic work can be provided to be completed remotely. 

Additionally, in an effort to mitigate, to the extent feasible, the spread of infectious disease, expectations will be in place. Traditional learning will look differently, for the time being. All individuals who enter a Lee County School building or property are expected to:

 · Wear a face covering,

· Maintain social distancing when possible,

· Practice proper hygiene.”

In other business, the board:

• had its second public hearing of the proposed FY2021 budget and approved that proposed budget,

• approved the awarding of a propane bid to be awarded to Blossman Gas. This bid is for one year with options to renew for two more years,

• approved the awarding of a bid for various personal protective equipment supplies and cleaning items effective Aug. 21, 2020 and

• heard the monthly financial report and cash reconciliation for the month of July from Ken Roberts.

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