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Elaine Burton named to city’s historic preservation commission

2019-02-05 Opelika of City Council meeting

By Robert Noles

During last Tuesday’s Opelika City Council meeting, Mayor Gary Fuller announced his nomination of Elaine Burton to the city’s historic preservation commission, a term slated to last through Aug. 19, 2021.
Fuller also commemorated the life and family of longtime Opelika businessman Gene Dorris who passed away last month, as well as Officer of the Quarter Shayna Hodges.
In a presentation alongside Opelika City Schools Superintendent Dr. Mark Neighbors, Fuller recognized the 2019 “OCS Teachers of the Year,” who were chosen based on their efforts to innovate the learning experience for their students. Each teacher received a gift and certificate of congratulations and an entry into the statewide Teacher of the Year award recognition.
Following is a list of winning teachers:
Carver Primary-Patrice McAllister
Southview Primary-Hannah Owens
Morris Avenue Intermediate-Teresa Swann
Northside Intermediate-Melissa Cook
West Forest Intermediate-Kori Skinner
Opelika High School-Hannah Holladay
OCS Elementary Teacher of the Year – Rachel Tate of Jeter Primary
OCS Secondary Teacher of the Year – Kathryn Gholston of Opelika Middle School.
Also during the meeting, W.J. Cash Construction was awarded a bid for the demolition of residential buildings at a cost of $20,400, one of only 20 companies to respond and accept the bid.
In other business, the council:
• approved expense reports and authorized disposal of the city’s personal property surplus
• approved the purchase of a 2019 Ford F450 Crew Cab and chassis from Tallassee Automotive for $47,682
• approved the emergency repair of Northpark’s lift station sewer pump for $26,000, saving nearly $34,000 on the cost of purchasing a new one
• approved a project development agreement with DAHLCO DT LLC for tax advantage during the next five years not to exceed $65,000 for the development of property on 2nd Avenue
• approved support of H.R. 530 or other similar legislation dealing with the placement of antennas on the right of way
• approved a special appropriation of funds to OCS to cover the costs of hosting educational bicentennial programs as well as guest speaker for $1,971.
• approved a special agreement with East Alabama Medical Center for the placement of a full-time officer on its campus 24 hours a day. For this service, the hospital will pay the city $250,000 annually, or $20,833.33 monthly
• had the first reading to amend Text Zoning Ordinance Section 7.3 C Use Categories (Matrix Table)
• had the first reading regarding the rewriting of the city’s animal control ordinance, which has not been updated since 1999. Among the items addressed are animal cruelty, hoarding, hostile dogs and the safe transportation of animals.
The Opelika City Council meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, with a work session beginning anywhere from 6-6:45 p.m. and regular meeting at 7 p.m. All meetings are held at City Hall, which is located at 204 S. 7th St.
The next meeting will be held Feb. 18.
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