The Observer

Chiefs dominate Blackhawks, 52-0

Robert Noles/Opelika Observer

By Fred Woods

The Opelika Chiefs won their first round play-off game, totally dominating the Alabama Blackhawks by a 52 – 0 score. The Chiefs’ aggressive defense created six sacks and four fumbles and a safety so that most of the Chiefs’ scoring drives were relatively short.
The entire defense played maybe their best game of the season, from beginning to end.
Rod Marshall, Jamar Travis, Greg Moss, Robert Cattage, Matt Kelley, Brian Anyadike and Jamarlo Alford are several Chiefs who made big contributions on defense.
Seven different ball carriers picked up positive yardage and five different players scored TDs. Quarterback Kyle Caldwell scored twice on short keepers and “Mighty Mite” back-up QB Raymond Graham, the high school senior, also scored twice, one a nifty eight-yard scamper.
The Chiefs play the Georgia Cardinals of Atlanta this Saturday night at 7 p.m. at Beulah High School stadium.
The Cardinals, ranked eighth in the APDFL, beat the Atlanta Horsemen by a 16-14 score last week.
The Prattville Patriots play the always tough Capital City Cobras this week in their play-off game which will be played in Prattville.
This week’s winners will play each other for the American Conference championship on June 17.
Come out and support the Chiefs in their drive to return to the national championship game.

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