Section 1- Notice to Contractors
BID NO. 17014
Sealed bids will be received at the Opelika City Hall (First Floor Conference Room) located at 204 South 7th Street, Opelika, AL 36801, until 2:00 p.m. March 13, 2017, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Electronic bid documents may be viewed and/or purchased through the digital plan room at Alabama Graphics, (350 E. Jeff Davis Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36104) (334-263-0529)
A “MANDATORY” pre-bid meeting is scheduled for March 6, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at the Lewis Cooper, Jr. Memorial Library located at 200 S. 6th Street, Opelika, Alabama 36801 in which bidders or their representatives are required to attend in order to submit a bid.
The project involves the replacement of the existing low sloped roof area with a new thermoplastic single-ply system per the project drawings, specifications, and manufacturer’s requirements.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and waive technicalities. Contract shall not be binding upon either party or considered closed until approved by the City of Opelika.
The successful bidder is required to carry Workmen’s Compensation Insurance and Public Liability Insurance, and if a subcontractor is employed, Contractor’s Contingent Liability Insurance.
Bidders are required to file with bid a certified check or bid bond through a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Alabama; either form made payable to the City for an amount not less than 5{44c616e11cf70d617c8dd92fb0bc15f41001df771f775c6b004238009c89a3f0} of the City’s estimated cost or of the contractor’s bid, but in no event more than $10,000.00.
Bidders are hereby notified that all provisions of Section 80, Act No. 571 Regular Session of June 19, 1959, approved November 19, 1959, entitled “An Act to Regulate the Licensing of General Contractors” shall be strictly observed. Also, it is necessary for persons submitting bids for work involving $50,000.00 or more to show satisfactory evidence of license as a general contractor.
A bond in a reliable surety company authorized to do business in the State of Alabama must be given by the successful bidder, such bond to be for the sum of 100{44c616e11cf70d617c8dd92fb0bc15f41001df771f775c6b004238009c89a3f0} of the contract price conditioned for the prompt and faithful performance of contract terms and a surety bond in the amount equal to 50{44c616e11cf70d617c8dd92fb0bc15f41001df771f775c6b004238009c89a3f0} of the contract prices as security for the payment for all persons performing labor and furnishing materials in connection with the contract.
The City of Opelika is required to comply with the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, § 31-13-1 et seq. of Code of Alabama 1975 (Act No. 2011-535), subsequently all bidders are required to submit an E-Verify Affidavit stating they are enrolled in the E-Verify Program and the entire associated Memorandum of Understanding on the outside of their sealed bid proposals.
Legal run 3/1/17 & 3/8/17

The composition of the gavel, statuette of goddess of justice Themis - with scales of justice, legal codes, stamps and pen. Law concept